4 Reasons Why It’s Important to Have Backup Energy in the Home

Solar energy production has been experiencing a surge in popularity in recent years. Advancements in technology have made solar panels and batteries more efficient and more affordable, and homeowners across California and beyond have begun to see the light when it comes to reducing dependency on municipal power grids. Read on to find out about four of the most essential reasons that every homeowner in Vacaville should consider installing a solar system for backup energy before the next fire season.

Be Prepared for Power Shutoffs

As many homeowners in the area have likely already noticed, PG&E occasionally implements what it calls Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) events. These outages can last anywhere from a few hours to multiple days, leaving families who rely on the PG&E power grid for 100% of their energy needs struggling to figure out how to get by.

PSPS events can occur at any time the company decides that turning off the power to any area will benefit public safety. According to PG&E, criteria for implementing a PSPS include National Weather Service Red Flag Warnings, humidity levels below 20%, forecasts of sustained winds above 25 mph or gusts above 45 mph, presence of dry fuel on the ground, and observation of conditions on the ground conducive to spreading fire. There’s no way to predict when they will occur in advance, but PSPS events typically happen at least a few times per year.

Property owners who don’t have access to backup power will be left in the dark during these events, regardless of medical needs or other special needs. Even hospitals lose power during PSPS events, which is why they are all equipped with generators. Generators aren’t a great solution for homeowners, though, as they are very loud and require a lot of fuel. A battery backup will offer the same peace of mind without the downsides of running a generator round-the-clock until the power is turned back on.

Avoid Waste and Hassles

Homeowners with underlying medical conditions or other special needs that require round-the-clock access to electrical equipment aren’t the only ones who can benefit from having access to backup power when the grid goes down. Just about every modern family depends on electricity to run appliances like refrigerators, freezers, indoor climate control units, and more.

When the electrical grid goes down, all the food in their refrigerators is at risk of spoiling, climate control systems cease to function entirely, and even water pumps will be unable to work. That means families must stock up on unappetizing dry goods, water, flashlights, and everything else they need in anticipation of power shutoffs, which can be difficult to predict. It also means they’ll have to replace the food in their refrigerators and deal with the myriad hassles that come along with having no access to running water and climate control every time PG&E shuts down its grid.

Installing solar batteries will allow homeowners to avoid all these problems. A solar company can help with sizing the system to ensure that all the essential appliances remain operational during PSPS events.

Enjoy Reduced Monthly Bills

Outfitting a home with solar panels and adequate energy storage won’t just benefit homeowners during power shutoffs. It will keep their costs low year-round, whether they choose to go fully off-grid or prefer to stick with a grid-tied solar system with batteries for on-site energy storage.

A battery bank should be considered an essential part of any grid-tied system. Solar panels can only collect energy during the day when the sun is out, but unfortunately, that’s just when most families are out of their homes for school, work, or other responsibilities. With traditional grid-tied systems, the extra energy produced during the day is sold back to the electrical company, in this case, PG&E. PG&E and other power companies pay less for the power than they sell it for, though, which means homeowners with solar panels can save money by storing their own energy.

For off-grid applications, battery banks are the only way to go. Unless residents plan on using electrical devices only during the day when their systems are performing at peak efficiency, solar panels alone won’t do them any good. With a sufficiently large battery bank and an appropriately sized solar array, off-grid homeowners can use lights and electrical appliances at any time, even in the dead of night.

Smaller Carbon Footprints

Unlike the fossil fuels burned to produce electricity, solar power doesn’t emit greenhouse gases and it doesn’t harm the environment. Ecologically conscious homeowners will rest easier knowing that they aren’t contributing to severely damaging practices like coal mining and natural gas extraction.

While a grid-tied solar system without a battery bank can reduce modern families’ carbon footprints, it still involves using municipal electricity produced using ecologically unsound means at night, which is when most modern families use the most electricity. Those who want to increase their energy independence while simultaneously reducing their carbon footprints need to be able to store energy and a battery bank is the only safe way to do that.

Modern solar storage batteries are both efficient and long-lasting. A lithium-ion battery can last for decades if it is properly maintained, so once homeowners have purchased and installed a battery bank, they won’t have to worry about the household’s natural resource consumption for years to come.

Grid-tied solar offers homeowners a ton of advantages over complete reliance on public or private utilities, ranging from increased energy independence to reduced monthly bills. Even the most powerful grid-tied solar system won’t help residents at night or during power shutoff events if the system doesn’t include a battery bank, though. All solar systems should be equipped with sufficient battery power to store enough energy to keep homeowners and their families comfortable during PSPS events and other emergencies.

Want to install a full grid-tied or off-grid solar system complete with a battery bank? SunPower can help. We use computer-aided design plans to create custom systems that can be installed in just one to two days and provide an industry-leading 25-year warranty. Browse the site for more information or get in touch to request a quote today.

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